Wenatchee Valley Velo Cycling Club

Route names below are clickable to Ride With GPS route pages, which will appear in same window (hit back button to return to Routes page). From the route page you can download a route to your device.

Route Name  Start Point   Mileage Elevation Gain   Water/Food  Surface
Malaga to Tarpiscan Wenatchee  38.8  1,442  W,F  Paved

Apple Loop, Lincoln Rock, Hydro

 Wenatchee  28.3  1,142  W,F  Paved
Malaga and Colockum Wenatchee  43.4  2,645  W,F  Paved
Bloom Metric Route
 Wenatchee  63  3,773  W,F  Paved
Fruit Loop - Wenatchee - Dryden  Wenatchee  37.4  2,019  W/F


 Airport Loop - Lincoln Rock  Wenatchee 34.6  1,457 W/F  Paved
 Wenatchee - Leavenworth - Sleeping Lady Wenatchee 61.9  3,181 W/F  Paved
 Entiat - Chelan Entiat  46.5 2,507  W/F Paved
 Hinman Loop Wenatchee 32.8 1,597 W/F Paved
 Olalla Canyon Wenatchee 49.1 3,343 W/F Paved

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